Premium Tape Extensions 55/60cm - 10 pcs

Feel The Hair Premium Tejp Extensions. -ett extravagant äkta Remy löshår av Premium Plus kvalitet som hör till den absoluta toppen, med mjuka och europeiskt tunna hårstrån för en maximal naturlig känsla. Finns med dolda, hårbeklädda fästen.

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Våra Tejp extensions finns i hårlängden 55/60 cm. Vikt ca 25g/10 bitar.

10st bitar tejplöshår i varje paket - Välj antal paket

  • 80.55 EUR

Premium Plus

Premium Plus is our best hair extension. It has a quality that has been developed in recent years, with a manufacturing that is done with gentler and slower processes, where every single package is tested in the final stage to ensure top quality of the hair. Premium Plus is for the most discerning customer who only wants the best of the best.

Other things to think about before purchasing

  • Each package contains 10 pieces of tape hair, of which 5 are invisible, e.g. hair-coated, and 5 in standard design.
  • Keep in mind that the hair extensions doesnt have to be exactly the same color as your own hair, but it can differ up to 1-2 steps in shade and still blend in nicely.
  • To ensure the best possible quality and feel of our hair extensions, we recommend regular use of our Deep Extensions Conditioner and that our instructions for application and care advice are followed.

Rekommended quantity

In general, to get satisfactory results, you usually need a smaller number of tape extensions if you have thinner hair and a larger number if you have thicker hair. We recommend in most cases

- approx. 40 pcs of Tape extensions for thin hair

- approx. 50 pcs of Tape extensions for normal thick hair

- approx. 60 pcs of Tape extensions for thick hair or very short hair.